Expert tune-ups help keep your heating system operating at maximum efficiency, prevent expensive break-downs and assist in prolonging it’s working life.
If your heating bills have been rising for no obvious reason, or your heating system is making some strange noises, chances are you will really benefit from our heating tune-ups. A well maintained heating system can reduce heating bills by as much as 25% (compared to a non-maintained heating system) and prevents costly repairs.
Heating systems that have been left inactive over the summer often struggle and fail when winter arrives. Sanders Services’ system tune-ups will ensure your system works throughout the winter and when you need it most.
At Sanders Services, we can schedule a time suitable to you for your tune up and maintenance needs. And, we have the heating expertise to perform a tune-up on all makes or model of heating system. Our qualified technicians receive regular training to keep up to date on the latest technology, systems and repair methods. Many manufacturers’ warranties require that maintenance should be performed yearly by licensed professionals, too.